Friday, 27 April 2007

What to learn next?

Since setting up this blog I've been a bit haphazard about what I post on here, mostly depending on how much time I manage to find. In an attempt to start posting more regularly, every now and then I'm going to post details of some of the things I'm hoping to learn and write about over the next couple of weeks. So here goes.

Jamestown - I've just finished a book ('Savage Kingdom' by Benjamin Woolley) on the founding and early years of Jamestown, the first English settlement in America (the first one to last more than a few months anyway). I'm hoping to write my own brief re-telling of this landmark history story.

Rivers - It always seems to come up on Eggheads (tv quiz show) so I'm going to read up on rivers, what are the world's longest, biggest, most diverse etc. A geography lesson I should enjoy I think.

Trees - It's dawned on me recently just how few trees I can successfully identify (about 3 or 4 is all). So I'm going to invest in a book on tree species in Britain, see how many I can identify out and about in the next week or so and maybe even take a few photos to post on here.

I'm sure there'll be more (I'm starting an evening course on history of the Tudors next week so I should learn some things there), but at least this gives me a starting point for the next week or two. See you soon!

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