Sunday, 22 April 2007

Roman Numerals

After a quiz question (while playing Perplex City board game) in which I needed to know, I decided to learn my Roman Numerals once again (having forgotten them long since). They are:

I - One
V - Five
X - Ten
L - Fifty
C - One hundred
D - Five hundred
M - One thousand

If there is a bar (line) above the letter, multiply it by a thousand. Not sure how to type this on here, but I imagine you get the idea. Note the lack of zero, as the Romans didn't have the concept of zero as a number.

As well as helping with quiz questions, it may come in useful for dating plaques, inscriptions, tombstones etc. as I investigate the local history of Lancaster (my abode).

As to how to learn them, I think I, V and X are fairly commonly known. I remember some of the others by using the following mnemonic (sp?):

M - Short for millenium which is 1000 years, hence the one thousand.
C - Short for century = 100 years therefore one hundred.

L and D are the hardest. The only things I can think of are that D is after C in the alphabet, hence 500. L is lower, hence 50. Not great I know. If anyone can think of a better way of remembering them, please let me know!

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