Tuesday, 14 August 2007

History books - afterthoughts

You may have noticed that all the books I've listed in my previous post, apart from the last one, are very early colonial American history, mostly covering the founding of the first permanent colonies. This is by no means the only time period I'm interested in, as I am interested in all American History pre-1900 (I may get onto 20th century at some point but see that is a whole different area). I'm attempting to be somewhat chronological in my reading, starting off with the really early stuff in the 1600's and then working my way forwards. I leaped forward quite a lot in the last book I read, to 1776, but intend to go back to early 1700's and possibly some 1600s stuff too. Before I leave the early beginnings altogether, I'd quite like to read about John Winthrop and the Puritan migration to New England from 1630, and also the founding of Pennsylvania. The problem is, not all of what I want to read about has the easier to read 'popular history' books. The ones in the middle are ok, but then you get to the dry academic texts that contain loads of information, but can be not much fun to read. History should be fun and interesting I think!
Anyway, that's enough for now. I should be posting my summation of the American Revolution as and when I get around to it (though in my reading I'm still only upto 1776!). Also might branch out on the blog into a bit of geography soon too!

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